Terms and Conditions
In engaging with this website and with Josie Lacy Roberts you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.
Refunds, rescheduling, cancellation and lateness policy:
In purchasing sessions you understand and agree with the following:
*There are no refunds on purchases of single sessions or packages of sessions. Client may gift the sessions to someone else. Please email josielacyroberts@proton.me to arrange the exchange.
*Rescheduling (or cancel and reschedule at later date) must be done prior to 24 hours before the appointment time.
*Josie Lacy Roberts will wait for 15 minutes and try to contact client by phone before it is noted client has not shown up for session. After that the client will be considered a “no-show.”
Privacy policy:
I do not share client names or contact information with anyone. All matters disclosed by email, phone, or in session will remain private. The rare exception is if what is disclosed gives Josie Lacy Roberts reasonable concern that the client is an imminent danger to themselves or others or if the client is reporting abuse of a child or elder.
Although legally not required of Josie Lacy Roberts to report these circumstances when not working under her nursing license, moral and ethical duty would require Josie Lacy Roberts to break confidentiality with the client. By purchasing sessions or contacting Josie Lacy Roberts you, the client, are stating understanding and agreement with this privacy policy as outlined above.
In purchasing sessions you agree to the following:
*You will not drive, operate heavy machinery or do anything that needs focus while in a session or when listening to replays.
*Physical and emotional detox can occur during and after sessions. Healing can shift the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, and Josie Lacy Roberts cannot control for all experiences when healing occurs. Please contact Josie Lacy Roberts if you experience bothersome symptoms.
*Although we are addressing issues that you seek healing for, and they might be psychological in nature, Josie Lacy Roberts is not a licensed therapist or doctor and sessions with her are not a substitution for therapy or medical care. Please see disclaimer below.
In engaging with content on this website, marketing, social media content, group or 1:1 healing sessions or emailing or phone calls with Josie Lacy Roberts you are agreeing to the following:
I understand and agree I take full responsibility for my own well being and health before, during and after sessions, and in all the decisions I make before, during and after sessions with Josie Lacy Roberts. I agree and understand no outcome from participating in sessions can be guaranteed. I agree and understand Josie Lacy Roberts is not liable for any outcomes, consequences or interpretations that arise from sessions.
Although Josie Lacy Roberts is a licensed registered nurse, I understand and agree content on this website, social media content, group sessions or 1:1 sessions or phone calls or emails with Josie Lacy Roberts do not constitute a nurse-patient relationship as she is not practicing the nursing profession when speaking about or performing healing sessions.
I understand and agree Josie Lacy Roberts offers services to be a compliment to appropriate medical and psychiatric care. I agree and understand sessions with Josie Lacy Roberts is NEVER to be used as a substitute of, or to delay use of, or replace the use of medical treatment, psychiatric care, psychotherapy or substance abuse counseling by licensed professionals.
I understand and agree in sessions or on this website or in content on social media Josie Lacy Roberts does not give nursing or medical advice or diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any medical or psychological conditions. I agree and understand no content or information from Josie Lacy Roberts should be misconstrued to be nursing, medical, psychological, legal or financial advice or treatment.
I understand and agree that if I believe I have conditions that warrant the expertise of a Medical Doctor or Psychiatrist or other licensed provider such as a Naturopathic doctor, Acupuncturist, Chiropractor, Psychotherapist, drug rehab facility or any other licensed healthcare professionals, or I need the expertise of a lawyer or financial advisor Josie Lacy Roberts strongly encourages me to seek their services.
I understand and agree that by engaging in contact with Josie Lacy Roberts I am acknowledging I am solely and fully responsible for my own decisions and results for my own health and well-being as well as my family, friends and pets (as applicable).